



中科创客(深圳)智能工业设备研发有限公司是一家具有规模优势和专利优势的高新技术科研公司,总部座落在全国改革开放的前沿阵地深圳市,毗邻世界金融中心香港。公司目前已实现多元化经 营,组建有多个事业群。并聘请有世界500强跨国公司的“高级品质控制管理师”对本公司的产品品质管理进行指导,规划,优化等服务,以确保公司产品质量完 全符合市场需求。 Multi-Win Solution (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is a large research company with private patents, located in Shenzhen and adjacent to Hongkong. The company has diversified operations in accordance with several business groups. A quality assurance director from a world-class company manages the quality assurance system, his experience, guidance and good planning help us continually improve the product quality to fully meet the market requirement. “让员工满意,让客户信赖”是公 司的一贯宗旨;“尽善尽美, 追求卓越品质;群策群力,提供满意服务”是我们全体同仁永恒的动力之源。公司经过全体同仁多年的努力拼搏和辛勤汗水,在浩瀚的商海里拼杀出一条血路。多年 来,在公司同仁的奋斗中逐渐组成了以“提供品质控制管理培训和指导”为中心的品控事业群;以“电子元器件;消费类电子产品的研发,生产,销售为一体”的电 商部事业群;以“万能平板打印机的研发,生产,销售为一体”的彩印平板打印机事业群;以改变世界的第三次工业革命“3D打印机”为核心的3D打印事业群。 目前公司各个事业群在本行业均遥遥领先于同行,成为了行业领头羊,佼佼者。 Customer satisfaction and associate engagement are our consistent purpose; Striving for excellence and providing perfect service are our company culture. The company has 4 business groups as following: Quality Service including product quality management,factory audit and outgoing inspection; On-line Trading to sell consumer electronic products and components; 2D Color Printing to design, manufacture and sell universal 2D color printers; 3D Printing aiming to the world-advanced 3D printing technology, providing various services related with 3D printer and its accessories. After years of hard work, we get ahead of our major competitors, especially in the printing industry. 目前公司产品主要有各种电子元器件,爱普生万能打印 机、数码打印机、平板打印机、产品打印机、万能平板打印机、万能彩印机、平板喷绘机、UV喷绘机、平板UV喷绘机,UV平板打印机,爱普生平板打印机,罗 兰平板打印机,武藤平板打印机,3D打印机等系列产品以及其的研发,生产,销售,并拥有多项国家专利技术。公司产品销售网络已覆盖欧美和东南亚等全球市 场,其中平板打印机是全球最具规模及销量最大的万能平板打印机生产厂家之一。产品适用于任意材质,兼容面极其广泛;可直接电子数码印刷玻璃,瓷砖,广告 纸,亚克力,木板,皮革,塑胶,五金,工艺品,家具,眼镜框,铜版纸,衣服,布料,不锈钢,门板,水晶玻璃,手机外壳保护套,平板电脑外壳,U盘等等。改 变了人们生活的衣食住行方方面面。 [详情]
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